Here in this web give one famous comic, the title is Secret Warriors, this comic is a Marvel series featuring Nick Fury and Team White, a fictional team of super powered agents in the Marvel Comics Universe. This comic very great which Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev, the characters were introduced in Mighty Avengers , and debuted as a team in Secret Invasion, both published in 2008. In download file, you will find two type of file extension. First is .CBR and second is .CBZ. how to open it? ok, this tutorial below will teach you, how to open these file. The great comic book reading program is CdisplayEX. It is an open source clone of an older program, CDisplay. You will fell easy when you operate this program. First you must downloading CDisplayEX. After you have CDisplayEX installed, please launch it. You can press W to switch between windowed and full screen viewing. Then, You can go to File -> Load Files to open a folder of images, a compressed file full